fredag den 14. november 2008

Invitation til konference: MUSIC IN AND OUT OF THE BODY

MUSIC IN AND OUT OF THE BODY - se program med abstracts her.
14th National Meeting of NTSMB - Network for Cross-Disciplinary Studies of Music and Meaning . Organized in association with The Academy of Music and Music Communication, Esbjerg (VMK); The Research Program The Aesthetics of Music and Sound at the Institute of Philosophy, Education and the Study of Religions (IFPR), University of Southern Denmark (SDU); and the Medialogy Department at Aalborg University Esbjerg (AAUE).
Where and When: Concert Hall, VMK/Academy of Music and Music Communication, Kirkegade 61, Esbjerg, November 21-22, 2008.
Practical Details: There is no registration fee for this conference. Coffee breaks, lunches and dinner are (very) reasonably priced and are pay-as-you-go. With regard to our restaurant reservation for dinner on Friday, November 21, we would appreciate advance notice no later than Tuesday, November 18, sent to Should overnight accommodations be required, CabInn Esbjerg is conveniently located and reasonably priced:
Friday, Nov. 21, 2008.
All lectures on Friday are free of charge and open to the general public.
10:30-11.00 Coffee (VMK).
11:00-11:05Cynthia M. Grund (Associate Professor of Philosophy and Research Director for the research program The Aesthetics of Music and Sound, IFPR/SDU; Director, NTSMB.)Welcome and Introduction.
11:05-12:30William Westney (Paul Whitfield Horn Professor of Piano, Browning Artist-in-Residence, School of Music, Texas Tech University.)The Circuit of Meaning: How Musical Insights Emerge from Performer/Audience Interaction

12:30-13:30 Lunch (VMK).
13:30-14:30 Fredrik Søegaard (Diploma Guitarist, Vice Chancellor and Assistant Professor VMK), Claus Gahrn (cand.musicae/MA Music, composer, part-time lecturer), Henrik Strandfelt (cand.musicae/MA Music, percussionist).
Soundmapping the Genes I

14:45-15:30 Kristoffer Jensen (Associate Professor, Medialogy, AAUE).
Soundmapping the Genes II – From DNA to Sound

15:30-15:45 Coffee (VMK).
15:45-16:30 Ole Kühl (Jazz musician, PhD, part-time Lecturer in Medialogy, AAUE).
Perception and Expression Share Body-Based Representation

16:30-17:30 NTSMB Annual Meeting (VMK).
17:30-19:00 Buffet dinner at XING YUAN, Skolegade 20, Esbjerg.
19:30 Concert, William Westney, Concert Hall, VMK. Free of charge, open to the general public.
Saturday, Nov. 22, 2008. Open to NTSMB-members and an invited audience.
10:00- 13:00 "Un-masterclass" with William Westney, Concert Hall, VMK.
13:00-14:00 Lunch in town.
14:00-15:30 NTSMB board meeting.

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